As I've looked at a branding blog I thought it would only be good sense to do a post about a typography blog! Here we go!
'Ministry of Type' is a blog similar to the DieLine one in the sense that it is run by designers who review a lot of things in the same area... only this one's all about lettering and typography!
Plus, the designers go into much more depth when it comes to commenting on the techniques used on the images they are reviewing. Also, they post relevant products which may be useful for people who are interested in typography. I find this very useful because it allows me to look at lots of different styles of lettering.
This image wasn't necessarily posted for the purpose of reviewal from designers... it was posted to illustrate how so many department stores now have much similar fonts for their logos. This is a reason why I like this blog, because it raises awareness about what may or may not be useful styles now for reasons such as this one. It somewhat gives readers a 'cheat-sheet' for how they can avoid this and be unique. I find this very useful, which is why I have added their link to my blog.
They also post other artist's work like DieLine does. I liked this example because it mixes typography and illustration together, like with the lightning bolt on the right side. This is another reason why I saved their link.
Have a look now! :
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