Sunday 3 November 2013


Over the last few months, I have visited a number of Universities, all of which had good and bad points. I am currently doing a Level 3 Extended Diploma in Graphic and Interactive Design working towards a grade of DDD so far, with projected UCAS points of 380.

The Universities I have visited are:

  • DeMontfort, Leicester: Graphics with Illustration
  • Loughborough: Graphics with Illustration
  • NUA, Norwich: Illustration
  • Nottingham Trent: Graphics
  • Staffordshire: Illustration

Good points 
  • Halls are within walking distance to campus and town centre
  • Campus is being pedestrianised
  • Multiple halls of residence
  • Course is interesting and I liked the work on display
  • University has good contacts with companies in industry 
Bad points
  • A chance you won't be accepted into the second year
  • Confusing 'Gurus and Grasshoppers' system
  • Unsure how classes are set out: If first years have own studio space or is all years are together


Good points
  • Everything you could need is on campus, which in itself is pedestrianised and spacious
  • The course structure and content is really interesting
  • Offer the Erasmus scheme to study abroad in Year 2
  • Halls are homely and reasonably priced
Bad points
  • We weren't told in prospectus or at the Open Day the exact wanted grades to get an interview or place on the course.


Good points
  • Give students a lot of competition experience
  • Course was interesting
Bad points
  • Campus was spread out over town centre and halls were quite far away
  • Halls expensive
  • Actual work itself wasn't the kind of illustration I wanted to do.

Nottingham Trent

Good points
  • Campus was all close together 
Bad points
  • Person giving the course talk didn't seem interested at all and skipped through most of the slideshow which showed students work.
  • Course was Graphics only
  • Studio has all three year groups in the same room


Good points
  • Graphics and Illustration students get a permanent work space
  • Topics and projects they do are interesting 
  • Studios are spacious and comfortable
Bad points 
  • We weren't told which projects are given to Graphics students and which are for Illustration
  • Encouraged to make 3D versions of outcomes using wood and metal workshops

Based on these points, I will definitely be applying to DeMontfort and Loughborough, possibly Staffordshire. I wont apply to NUA and Nottingham Trent though. 

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