Thursday 30 January 2014

Issuu Links

Hey guys, sorry I haven't been posting much, it's been a bit hectic lately.

Basically we've just finished a project on Typography & Layout where we created a digital portfolio. If you fancy taking a look of some of my finished pieces which I've been too lazy to post on here, then it'd be cool!

As part of my Uni applications I also had to create a portfolio of work, this time including images of my sketchbook development work, which I think is quite cool so click on this link if you want to look at experiments etc. 

Finally, as part of our 'Typographic Quote' project (which I got a Distinction for, yay!), we were required to submit an essay about the historic development of typography, which was quite fun and interesting to do so click below if you fancy a read. 

Just for the hell of it I may as well upload my finished pieces for this project since that's what I've been talking about. 

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