Wednesday 5 February 2014

A moving type video to brighten your day

I don't know about where you are, but it's been pretty awful weather where I am today. I'm talking heavy rain, wind, freezing cold, stormy :/

So what did I do today? I watched Camp Rock 2 (because I'm so mature like that!). Anyway afterwards I decided to Google a couple of the lyric videos (don't judge...okay you can if you want).

One of them was a really colourful and animated moving typography animation, it's really good. To be honest it's pretty useless if you watched it to learn the lyrics to the song as the words appear a little out of sync and there's a lot of changing angles and what have you.

Here's the link... even if you hate the movie or think the song is lame just watch it anyway, lots of bright colours and cheesy imagery asscoiations.

Until next time :) 

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